Tuesday 18th February 2020 - Tagged: Lifestyle

One of our client’s recently had to have an operation on her foot. Due to this she could not run, jump or put much pressure on her leg. At one stage she couldn’t even wear shoes, only flip flops.

She did not let this stop her and found a way to continue training twice a week. That, along with a decent eating plan helped her lose over 10kg (1.5 stone / 22 pounds).

When you have an injury we often have the misconception that we should not move and rest. Depending on the injury this could not be further from the truth.

When our joints and muscles are not used they tend to seize up. This then restricts movement even more, thus not helping and making things worse.

If you have some form of injury whether it’s a joint or muscle problem, keeping it moving could be just what it needs, but always check with a professional first.

After reading this you may want to know why restricting movement is not always the best option. Read our blog on why ‘sit happens’. Click on the link below:


Tansy (SMPT)