Thursday 30th June 2016 - Tagged: Inspiration, Lifestyle, Nutrition

How many times have you said “I’ll start again Monday”?How many times have you tried the latest faddy diet?Diets are not sustainable, hence the reason you may of tried so many. You may of seen ‘results’ on the scales, but that doesn’t mean it’s working in your best interest.

Eliminating the foods you love and enjoy will only set you up for failure.
Life is about moderation. Experiment with the foods you love and deem a healthier choice.
You will soon realise that eating healthy is a life style choice and not a diet.
With the guidance of some decent cook books you will find foods that are healthy and taste delicious.
A book that I’ve really enjoyed reading is ‘The Body Bible’ by Clean Eating Alice. She has great food recipes and simple exercise routines to get you active.

Our children are being taught to eat foods that are the colours of the rainbow (this doesn’t always mean Skittles). Colourful foods look appetising, are full of nutrients and taste amazing. Having a beige meal every now and then won’t hurt you either, but don’t let a ‘unhealthy’ choice make you think you have ruined all the hard work.

Remember that consistency is a key component in success.
Here’s my tips to a successful new you:
* Go shopping
* Combine food groups; protein, carbs, fats, vitamins & minerals
* Try different foods
* Prepare your meals in advance
* Add flavours and spices to save boredom
* Stay active
* Drink plenty of water
Did you know that 5% dehydration can affect performance by 20%?

Keep in mind these key points with nutrition and exercise:
* Flexible nutrition
* Moderation with everything
* Preparation… Fail to prepare, prepare to fail
* Consistency

If you can put all this into practice then I can safely say you’ll never have to start again Monday.

Kate (SMPT)